
jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

Holodomor, el genocidio comunista sobre el pueblo ucraniano


Euromaidan Press

Today is Holodomor Commemoration Day in Ukraine and for Ukrainians all over the world.

“Death solves all problems. No human, no problem.” - Joseph Stalin 

The Holodomor (“extermination/death by hunger” in Ukrainian) destroyed Ukraine, and an estimated 3 million to 6 million lives - nearly one-fifth of the country’s population - were lost. The dreadful famine that engulfed Ukraine, the northern Caucasus, and the lower Volga River area in 1932-1933 was the result of Joseph Stalin’s policy of forced collectivization. The heaviest losses occurred in Ukraine, which was the most productive agricultural area of the Soviet Union. Stalin was determined to crush all vestiges of Ukrainian nationalism. Thus, the famine was accompanied by a devastating purge of Ukrainian intelligentsia and the Ukrainian communist party. The famine broke the peasants’ will to resist collectivization and left Ukraine politically, socially, and psychologically traumatized.

Light a candle in your window at 16:00 (Kyiv time) on Saturday, November 28. 



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