
viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

Marcha satánica planeada para todo EE. UU.

Lord, thank you that we are aware of these plans in advance so that we can counter the counterfeit with truth--Your truth, Jesus. His work on the cross is complete!
A Luciferian March for a One World Government will be held in at least 22 U.S. cities on June 21 during a solar eclipse. More cities are being added as they attempt to make this a nationwide and worldwide movement of appealing to Satan for empowering the One World Government.  A worldwide livestream of the Stonehenge satanic ceremonies is also planned for the first time ever.

Summer solstice is a high holiday for Luciferians, as many of their rituals are related to the lunar and solar cycles. This year’s summer solstice also coincides with a “Ring of Fire” solar eclipse event where the moon will cover the sun and create the appearance of a ring of fire.


The marches are intended to create chaos and it has been speculated by some that demonstrators may even try to erect satanic monuments at existing sites where Confederate and other allegedly racist statues have been torn down. How shocking that we are in a state that Luciferians would be so open and bold to march in public. Prayer is needed to put a covering on the parts of our nation where boots will be on the ground.

Let us act in the opposite spirit of the chaos, darkness, and oppression that this march seeks to bring. We bind those powers that come in order to carry out this assignment. Intercessors, rise up in worship, prayer, fasting and even marching in the streets to proclaim the good news of Christ.

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These are the listed sites hosting Luciferian marches at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 21st. Others will be named as we hear. Reportedly there are 22 cities in all. 

Raleigh, North Carolina
North Carolina State Capitol

Jacksonville, Florida
Jacksonville City Hall

Cincinnati, Ohio
Platt Park

New York City
Zuccotti Park

Niagra Falls, Buffalo, New York
Niagra Falls International Rainbow Bridge

Jerusalem, Israel
The Wailing Wall

Salem, Oregon
Oregon State Capitol

Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles City Hall

Madison, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Capitol

Buffalo, New York
Buffalo City Hall

Albany, NY
New York State Capitol

Phoenix, Arizona
Arizona State Capitol

Toronto, Ontario
Toronto City Hall

Washington, DC
The White House

Syracuse, NY
James M. Hanley Federal Building

Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage Towne Square

Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas City Hall

Reno, Nevada
Reno City Hall

Goodale Park
Columbus, Ohio

Rochester, New York
Rochester City Hall

Lincoln, Nebraska
Nebraska State Capitol

Boston, Massachusetts
Massachusetts State House

As lawlessness and chaos continue to manifest throughout the US and now in multiple places worldwide, believers need to rise up and pray and take stand against this onslaught of the enemy.  We are reminded by the LORD that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Eph 6:12.)  The enemy is lashing out in rage and anger; reacting to the movement of the Holy Spirit.  The waves of evil have been widespread and very violent bringing the appearance that the enemy is in control as he attempts to take control of the world.  But we know  Jesus has won the victory.  We know that He has conquered death and hell.  We also know that He will return and establish His throne here on earth.  Could it be that we are being invited into a great move of God? As in a massive tsunami of the work of the Holy Spirit?   At times it feels as if we are in the midst of a storm of evil, but let us not forget that we are in the boat with Jesus in whom our faith rests.

WORSHIP AND PRAISE CONFOUNDS THE ENEMY. We recommend a huge increase in praise and worship on that day! Join in!

Prayer point suggestions:

Praise and thank the LORD that He has been exposing the enemy’s schemes by showing us this in advance so that we can pray for our nation.
Ask the LORD to shed His light of truth exposing what the enemy is attempting to do through this march. Open our eyes to see the counterfeits around us!
Ask the LORD to awaken the Church to stand up against this flagrant act of the enemy.
Stand firm in the LORD against the wiles of the enemy; standing firm on the LORDSHIP of Jesus as the King.
Ask Jesus to pierce the cloaking of the satanic rituals surrounding these marches and curses of witches exposing those through whom the enemy is using to stir up the demonic spirit realm.
Ask Jesus to confuse the enemy’s schemes bringing confusion in the camp of the enemy.
In Jesus’ name cut off and cancel the assignments of the enemy against our nation and the President.
Ask the LORD to anoint our leaders with Godly wisdom and discernment and to surround our President with those who are surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Declare the whole and complete work of redemption that Christ had on the cross, and that all other plans are counterfeit.
SHARE YOUR STRATEGIES FOR COUNTERING THE SATANIC MARCHES. Let’s share with one another as the body of Christ!

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